
Showing posts from April, 2022


 In this class perod we read more of the color purple. Last class we ended on page 12. We watched a 5 minute clip from the movie the color purple. We read up to i think page 15 or 16.

Write about something that doesn’t get better

 When i read write about something that doesnt get better i thougt of cancer. I think less severe cancer can get better with khemotherapy. Something that doesnt get better is stage 4 cancer. If i rember right once its stage 4 and caught late it only get worse and treatment only slow down the cancer.

Write about what you planned to do

 Today i planned to wash clothes and lay down. I had planned to have a lighter day because i work the rest of the week. But instead i madeup math work and im doing literature work right now. Its not what i planned but i guess id rather do it now instead of summer school. 

Write about something too small/big

 Sometthing that was too big was my church clothes. As a kid when we used to go to church tbere was always some part of my church clothes too big. Either the tie, shirt or pants might be too long or a adult tie not the clip ons. They would fit at first but after they got washed and ironed flat they wouldnt fit right.

Write about a question you wished you asked

 A question i wished i wouldve asked is what am i allergic to. The last time i was at the doctor i wish i wouldve asked to do a allergy test to all what you allergic to. I forgot to ask while i was there and didn’t remember until i left.

Write about someone you forgot

 Somebody i forgot was my friend from elementary. I went to hapeville elementary and the friends i was with the most was keith twa’mell and montrevious. I had forgot all them until a couple weeks ago somebody came in my job to pick up a doordash for somebody named montrevious and it reminded me of who i used to know.

Write about when you knew something was over

 When i knew something was over was when the falcons were in the superbowl. They had went up 28 to 3 in the third quarter so i knew the patriots couldnt come back. I knew wrong though because they came back and won the game.

Write about having no fun at all

 The time where i had no fun at all was 6th grade. My teacher got mad at me for something so i had detention. We had to sit for 3 hours and look at the wall and it was early in the week so it was only 2 people in detention that day.

Write anout something you are certain of

 I am certain the sky is blue. I look at it everyday and im not colorblind. I know the sky is blue and i can look and prove the sky is blue. Even at night is a really dark blue most the time. I am certain of it.

Write a long thank you letter

 I wanted to formally thank you not only for my scholarship, but an amazing four years. I loved working alongside you all throughout my years in Interact. It has been a very humbling experience. I most enjoyed seeing the smiles on everyone's faces and just knowing how thankful they were was truly enlightening. I only wish we had more opportunities to serve them. I hope that throughout college I will be able to carry on this tradition. Thank you for giving me and all the members an outlet to better our community and help those in need

Write about a gift that wasnt well received

One christmas in 1988 i got a phone for a gift. I didnt like it or know what im supposed to do with it. What kind of gift was this who thought i would like that. And it got a weird apple on the back so i threw it away.

Write about all the secrets that have been kept from you

 Elon musk keeps so many secrets from. He didnt tell me how much money he has. He didnt tell me about going to space. He didnt tell me he was financially helping ukraine. He didnt tell me anything, everything was a secret until the public knew.

Write about a secret being revealed

 I have a huge secret to tell you. Its really important dont tell nobody else because its a secret. I lost my engagement ring but i got a fake one that look exactly like it until i find my other one. I think it a look close enough but dont tell. I need to find it.

Write a long apology

 Im really really sorry. I really promise i didnt mean to offend you in any way you please have to take my word for it. I wasnt thinking i really was just doing things im super sorry. I promise i didnt mean to you know rhat. You know me. I owe you my biggest apology for robbing you. It was a accident.

Write about what you used to know how to do

 I used to know how to backflip. I dont think i could now but i havent tried. When i was a kid i could front flip and backflip. Now i only can do a front flip but i don’t remember the last time i really tried a backflip.

Write about something you don’t remember

 Something I don’t remember is where my nose clippers is. Its electric and black and i never used it before so it should be in the same place but i cant find it. I cant remeber where the last place i seen it was neither.

Write about when you knew you was in trouble

 A time i knew i was in trouble was yesterday. I was at work my momma texted me i know what i smell dont bring now more weed to my house. I wasnt nervous because i knew she knew but i knew she was gone do something but for the most part she was normal.

Write about what you have too much of

 I have too much black clothes. I rotate the same school clothes but even most my outside clothes is black but i got red and blue clothes but its mostly black. Some pants different colors and i only got 3 jeans but i never wear them.

Write about something you cant deny

 Something i cant deny is im a little stubborn Events happen that somebody wanted me to go this way so i did the opposite. If like my momma tell me clean ill clean but im stubborn with doing whatever i want to without thinking about any consequence.

Write about something/someone being born

 I was born october 3 2005. I was born at 12:43 at northside hospital. My birthday is a libra astrology month. When i was born my gramdparents and aunties came in the room and took pictures.

Write a few pages in which you obsess over something meaningless

 The closest thing i think i obsess over the most is systems. I dont think i obsess over anything but sustems the closest. Systems like where my toothpaste and toothbrush always at and if somebody move it im gone know and it a throw me off a little compared to how the sutem normally go. I like randoms events but not when its something i need to have right there.

Write about a time when you dressed innapropite for the occasion

 A time where I dressed wrong for the occasion was in 9th grade. I was a freshman and it was the start of the football season. The coach said dress with a collared shirt and khaki pants. I did that becuase he said we had to then i got to school and only freshmans had it on but i changed my clothes.


 In this class period we went over eoc testing. We had two packets and answered questions to go over multiple choice wliminating. I got 4 out the 5 questions correct.


 This class we did a assignment on budgeting for trips. We had to look at flights and find out how much every activity a cost. I planned my trip for houston texas. We had to pick the date june 11 to june 14.