
Showing posts from March, 2022


 We did the practice eoc test. We looked at a video of a 4 year old got killed on biuldercrest. The practice was on drc to practice for the eoc/georgia milestones. I did the bell ringer at 1 09.


 We sid the test from yeaterday that we aint have time for. It was 24 questions. I got a 67 on it. I stayed during lunch bwcause dr haig was putting in zeros and i dont want to do summer school again.


 We read out the paper from yesterday. I forgot to finish mine. We made our own unpopular ipinions on the back. I fid the blog post at 2 06


 Anothee group presented they project. We got a vocbulary book assignment. The work on pg . I did the blog post at 11 49.


 Today my group presented the project. It was 4 people in my group. I read two powerpoint slides. Our project was about the ukraine and russia conflict.


 I think tha project finished. It was raining. The clouds waa dark and it was syorming. I wrotw the blog post at 12:23 pm.


 We worked on a prokect. Out issue is ukraine vs russia. We did work about why russia want to be in ukraine. We answered the question about shen where and how.


 Today march 14. In class we had a benchmark test. The benchmark was 20 questions we stop at 19. Question 20 is a essay. There was 2 short stories in the test.


 I woke up at 9. I remembered to do blog posts. I opened my computer. I opened my computer but i didnt do schoolwork but i will do some


 I woke up at 10. I saw google classrooom posts from teachers. I did school work. I threw out last semester papers.


 I went to the doctor. I opened my computer. When i opened my computer i did school work. 


I woke up at 7 in the morning. My nose was stopped up so i didnt go to school. I went outside. I drove to the store. 


There wasnt a bell ringer. We read 2 poems. The poems is wrote by emily. I wrote the blog post af 1 13 pm.


 I got a late pass. I watched netflix. I did the bell ringer. The i went to lunch but i came back because the assignment was due and i aint start it


 We did the bell ringer i think it was sel. Mr reese read iut my answer on two questions i think. I went to the . I got handed a poem on paper we supposed to keep it for tomorrow.


 Today mr reese was fone. We had went to ms frazier room. Ms freizer talked anout the sel time. Its about mental health. I left school early.